
This is the official Puddy Club website. This website will allow you to manage your global Puddy Club account. You can find all the services that are interconnected with the Puddy Club network. Try integrating your Discord account with your Puddy Club account to unlock some possible future features. Here you can also delete your stored Discord bots data which belongs to Puddy Club Server.

What to do at Puddy Club

Discord Bots

Puddy Club owns some Discord bots. If you integrate your Discord account with your Puddy Club account, you can unlock some extra functionality in these bots.

Websites and Services

Some services are officially interconnected with Puddy Club. You will need a Puddy Club account to log in to this.


All Puddy Club accounts are linked with your Google account. The Google account is only used to validate your login, so you have an account fully protected by Google technology.

Puddy Credits

Puddy Credits are the virtual coin to be used only within Puddy Club services. You can use them to use some special services that are on other websites or Discord Bots linked to Puddy Club.


Our server has Push Notifications system that you can customize what kind of notification you want to receive.

Discord Server

You can access the official Discord community where you can get in touch with everyone at Puddy Club in real time.

Tiny Video