Tiny Donations!


Why donate?

I am working and maintaining the Puddy Club service almost completely on my own. So it's extremely important that you show this support to my work both financially and volunteer help.

If you are getting Puddy Credits, you can use them to run premium website services that I am not normally able to provide for free. You can also use these Puddy Credits as a contribution score for your account.

Puddy Credits can also be used to participate in exclusive Puddy Club events. So always store them very well even if you are not using Puddy Credits.


Fiat Money

Please give attention if the selected service needs an integration with Puddy Club! If you are trying to get Puddy Credits, review your account status on the integrations page.



Use your crypto wallet to get your puddy credits freely without any restrictions. All of crypto have an address from my crypto wallet that you can scan through a QR Code or simply copy the address. Set up your crypto wallet address in your account settings for the validator to add puddy credits into your account.


Any subscription on Patreon will make you receive Puddy Credits monthly every 5th day. Do not forget! The first payment is never instant! Our server only distributes Puddy Credits for Patreon Users at 00:00 AM in Brasilia Timezone (America/Sao_Paulo). You can freely donate on the Patreon. But remember that to have access to the benefits, you need to have a Puddy Club account connected to your Patreon Account.


You can freely donate on the Stripe. But you will not receive any Puddy Credit. If you want to get Puddy Credits, log into your Puddy Club account.


Payment Domain: jasmindreasond.x